By Perfecto T. Raymundo,
QUEZON CITY — The Quezon City Government on Wednesday (Jan. 15) launched the Community-Based Cervical Cancer Screening Program in collaboration with Jhpiego, South Star Drug and Women Workers Empowerment Network.
It was noted that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the Philippines, claiming 12 lives daily.
To address this, Quezon City is leading the fight with a groundbreaking cervical cancer elimination program.
The campaign brings landmark initiatives made possible through its collaboration and partnership with civil society and people’s organizations, private sector, and international development organizations.
These initiatives include an allocation of P28 million to screen 20,000 women using high-performance tests in 2025, and minting of an “Ordinance Establishing the Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control in Quezon City.
Likewise, introducing a community-based self-sampling HPV DNA testing model, and strengthening partnerships with civil society and private sector organizations.
Quezon City is championing the global goal to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health burden.
In 2021, the Quezon City Health Department (QCHD) demonstrated the viability and feasibility of an integrated screen-and-treat approach towards prevention of cervical cancer using high performance (molecular assay) test and provision of early treatment services in its health centers.
In 2024, Quezon City became the first city in the Philippines to establish an integrated cancer control policy through the enactment of City Ordinsnce SP-3285, S-2024, otherwise known as the “Quezon City Integrated Cancer Control Ordinance (QCICCO)”.
During the press conference, Dr. Karen See, Cancer Control Coordinator of Quezon City Health Department, said that the Cervical Cancer Awareness Program started with collaboration with Jhpiego in 2021.
Dr. See said that if positive, there will be training for the staff for the intervention to prevent cancer.
She added that SP-3285 provided funds that enabled more women were given free cervical cancer screen testing.
Dr. See said that there are 66 health centers in Quezon City and they are targeting women aged 30-49 to undergo the free cervical cancer screen testing.
Jacq Ruiz, Spokesperson of Women Workers for Health Empowerment Network (WHEN), said that cervical cancer is curable.
“We are a new organization and we are composed of several groups and we are conducting trainings and workshops on cervical cancer prevention awareness program in the communities,” Ruiz said.
She noted that the budget may be small but “we have to make noise.”
This is a good step so that we can penetrate the workplaces for the study and education of women for the cervical cancer awareness program in partnership and collaboration with the Quezon City Government and Jhpiego.
Joycee Caubat, Cervical Cancer Elimination Advocate, said that they need to undergo this kind of cervical cancer screen test at an early age.
Caubat is a teacher by profession and she realized the lack of test for cervical cancer.
Self initiatives is very important with the feeling that others think differently and eliminate the fear of women in the process in the sense that they need it.
Caubat stressed the importance of access to healthcare, which materialized with the partnership with Jhpiego.
Dr. Ingrid Magnata, Country Program Manager of Jhpiego Philippines, said that the message for the initiatives should reach the lawmakers and the influencers in order that the public, especially the women, will know that all the modalities are available for the treatment of curable cervical cancer.
However, she noted the P25. 7-billion cut in the DOH Budget and the zero subsidy to PhilHealth in the amount of P70 billion.
Thaddeus L. Sanchez is the
General Manager of Southstar Drug Inc.
Southstar Drug is close to 700 stores nationwide and it is open to partnerships with other areas, noting that Quezon City is the largest city in the country.
“We are not only providing healthcare , we are building community,” she said.
Leslie Mancuso, President/CEO of Jhpiego Philippines, congratulated the wonderful partnership with Quezon City who is leading the way and it’s an exciting day for the women of Quezon City.
Also present were Dr. Rio Magpantay, Regional Director of DOH Metro Manila Center for Health Development, Dr. Ramona Abarquez, Officer-in-Charge of QC Health Department, and Dr. Jan Llevado, Division Chief of DOH-DPCB Cancer Control Division.